319 participants follow the Selection Trials Phase I-STIS PMB - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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319 participants follow the Selection Trials Phase I-STIS PMB

319 participants follow the Selection Trials Phase I-STIS PMB

May 13, 2013 | Other Activities

The Admissions Committee of the Institute of Statistics (STIS) for the Academic Year 2013/2014 announces the following:

-          From the evaluation results of Phase I, the applicants who have *PASSED* are listed in the attachment to this announcement. Download the Announcement (PDF).

-          Applicants who have passed Phase I and wish to proceed to Phase II (psychological test) must re-register. Re-registration should be completed online through the STIS Admissions website at [http://www.stis.ac.id/spmb/](http://www.stis.ac.id/spmb/) from May 28 to June 3, 2013.

-          During re-registration, applicants must select the location for Phase II (psychological test). After re-registering, they must download and print their updated Entrance Exam Participant Card (KTPUM) which will indicate their test location for Phase II.

-          Applicants who complete re-registration are eligible to participate in the Phase II (psychological test) scheduled as follows:

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2013 

Time: 07:30 WIB (or 08:30 WITA, or 09:30 WIT) for approximately 3 hours without a break


- For Jakarta: STIS Campus (Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No. 64C, Jakarta) 

- For other locations: Applicants should contact their local Provincial BPS Office directly. The list of Provincial BPS Offices is attached. Download the Announcement (PDF).

-          During the psychological test, applicants must bring the following:

-           The Entrance Exam Participant Card (KTPUM), indicating the Phase II test location.

-          A valid original photo ID, such as a KTP, Student Card, Driver’s License, or other equivalent identification.

-          Writing tools (pen, HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, and writing board).

Applicants who do not re-register or fail to attend Phase II (psychological test) will be disqualified and unable to proceed to further selection stages.

All decisions made by the Admissions Committee are final.

The results of Phase II will be announced on June 28, 2013, at the STIS Campus, Provincial BPS Offices, and on the STIS website at [http://www.stis.ac.id](http://www.stis.ac.id).

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan (BPS-Statistics Kalimantan Selatan Province) Alamat : Jl. Soekarno Hatta/Trikora No 7 Banjarbaru

Indonesia. Telepon : +62 511 6749001

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