Phase II Exam Result Announcement Institute of Statistics (STIS), Academic Year 2013/2014 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Phase II Exam Result Announcement Institute of Statistics (STIS), Academic Year 2013/2014

Phase II Exam Result Announcement Institute of Statistics (STIS), Academic Year 2013/2014

June 28, 2013 | Other Activities

The Admissions Committee of the Institute of Statistics (STIS) for the Academic Year 2013/2014 announces the following:

From the results of Phase II selection (psychological test), the applicants declared *PASSED* are listed in the ATTACHMENT. Download the Announcement (PDF).

Applicants who passed Phase II are required to participate in both the interview and medical examination, as detailed below:

- Applicants must re-register on July 1, 2013, at the STIS Campus or the local Provincial Statistic Indonesia-BPS Office. Those who fail to re-register by 3:00 PM will be disqualified.

- Upon re-registration, applicants must present the following documents for verification:

  - Entrance Exam Participant Card (KTPUM)

  - Valid photo identification (such as KTP, Driver’s License, Student Card, or equivalent ID)

  - A certified copy of their high school diploma. For those who do not yet have a diploma, a Graduation Certificate (SKL) or National Examination Certificate (SKHU) will be accepted.

  - A certified copy of their high school report card, including the identity page and Grade 12, Semester I scores.

Eligible applicants will receive a referral letter for the medical examination at a designated hospital and are allowed to proceed to the interview as scheduled.

- The interviews will be held from July 1 to July 5, 2013, following the schedule announced (for clarification, please contact the STIS Campus or the local Provincial Statistic Indonesia-BPS Office).

- The medical exams will also be conducted from July 1 to July 5, 2013, as follows:

  - To be held at a designated TNI/POLRI/RSUD hospital with the referral letter from the Admissions Committee.

  - Medical exam fees vary by hospital as determined by local arrangements and are the responsibility of each applicant.

  - Applicants must fast from 9:00 PM local time the day before the medical exam.

Applicants who do not attend either the interview or the medical exam will be disqualified.

The final admissions results, including outcomes from the interview and medical exams, will be announced on July 19, 2013, at the STIS Campus, Provincial Statistic Indonesia-BPS Offices, and on the STIS website.

All decisions by the Admissions Committee are final. Any items not covered in this announcement will be determined later.

Please read the Technical Instructions for the Medical Exam.

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