38 New Civil Servants from STIS Class of 54 Arrive at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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38 New Civil Servants from STIS Class of 54 Arrive at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province

38 New Civil Servants from STIS Class of 54 Arrive at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province

February 14, 2017 | Other Activities

"Teamwork is the strength of Statistic Indonesia-BPS, so make sure you collaborate well and be grateful for being placed in South Kalimantan," said Diah Utami, Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, during the welcoming and introduction ceremony for the 38 CPNS (New Civil Servants) from the 2017 STIS Class of 54. The event took place at the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province auditorium in Banjarbaru on Tuesday (Feb 14) and was attended by heads of departments and divisions from Statistic of South Kalimantan Province.

A total of 38 new graduates from the Statistics Institute (STIS) Class of 54 in 2017 will be distributed to various Statistic Indonesia-BPS across South Kalimantan. However, before being assigned to district and city Statistic Indonesia-BPS, the new recruits will undergo a two-week macro-level training at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province. This training will take place in February, with their assignments to Statistic Indonesia-BPS district and city offices beginning in March 2017. All 38 new CPNS safely arrived in South Kalimantan in good health, thanks in part to coordination from Agus Kadaryanto, Subdivision Head of Planning and Personnel Information at Statistic Indonesia-BPS.

In his remarks, Agus Kadaryanto formally handed over the 38 new recruits from STIS Class of 54 to BPS South Kalimantan, where they will be assigned to BPS offices across the province.

In response, Diah Utami expressed her gratitude to Agus Kadaryanto for ensuring the safe arrival of the CPNS and welcomed the new recruits to the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province family. She noted that the allocation of new CPNS in 2017 was the largest compared to previous years, which will bring fresh energy to the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province. Diah urged the new employees to work together, seek guidance when needed, and emphasized that Statistic Indonesia-BPS's strength lies in effective teamwork. She encouraged them to continue learning, expand their knowledge, and foster innovation and creativity to help Statistic Indonesia-BPS South Kalimantan grow stronger in the future.

The event concluded with the presentation of the CPNS appointment letters and the pinning of identification badges, symbolizing the official integration of the 38 CPNS from STIS Class of 54 into BPS South Kalimantan. The ceremony was capped off with a traditional closing line from Diah Utami: "Wherever you stand, respect the land you are on."(MY)

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