Scientific Writing Seminar - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Scientific Writing Seminar

Scientific Writing Seminar

January 17, 2019 | Other Activities

"Dynamics of Population and Community Welfare for Sustainable Development"

In order to improve the quality of human resources, on Thursday 17 January 2019 a scientific writing seminar was held at the South Kalimantan Provincial BPS Hall with the theme "The Dynamics of Population and Community Welfare for Sustainable Development." The seminar was attended by the Head of Provincial BPS, Head of Division / Section, Personnel Subdivision, South Kalimantan Province BPS Functional Assessment Team and 85 seminar participants who are functional candidates for officials within the BPS in South Kalimantan. The seminar is divided into 4 session panels. The first panel session was the presentation of the scientific work entitled "Opportunities for Working Women in South Kalimantan (Analysis of Sakernas Data in February 2016)" and "Gender Gap in Formal Worker Participation in Indonesia: Trends and Future Steps" with presenters Nurliana S.ST and Abdurrahman, S.ST. M.Sc and moderator Agustin S.Si, M.Sc. The second Session Panel also represented a scientific paper entitled "Volatile Foods Deflation Effect on Food Consumption and Community Welfare Patterns in South Kalimantan: Application of LA / AIDS in Susenas Based Data in March 2015 and March 2017" and "First Birth Interval in Indonesia: Inter-Cohort Survival Analysis "with presenters Tita Rosy, S.ST, MP and Diyang Gita Cendekia, S.ST and moderator Wahdania Rosyada, S.ST. M.Sc. Arif Maulana, a panelist work from scientific writing material. And in the last session panel was "Techniques for Writing Opinion: Theory and Practice" by Abdurrahman, S.ST, M.Sc. The participants enthusiastically attended the seminar from the first session to the last session. In the last session the training participants practiced writing because theory and practice had to run parallel and complement each other. People can be clever as high as the sky, but as long as they don't write, they will disappear in society and from history. Writing is working for immortality (Pramoedya Ananta Toer).
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