Monday Morning Flag Ceremony with a New Format - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Monday Morning Flag Ceremony with a New Format

Monday Morning Flag Ceremony with a New Format

July 12, 2021 | Other Activities

Banjarbaru – There is something different about the morning apple this Monday. The format of the apple event has been adjusted to the format stated in the BPS Secretary's letter. At first glance it is very similar to the August 17 flag ceremony. The difference is, this apple does not have a ritual to raise the red and white flag.
Acting as the coach of the apple is the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Yos Rusdiansyah. In his mandate, the apple supervisor conveyed several things related to the current situation of BPS. The first important note is that there will be a refocusing of the budget across BPS satkers throughout Indonesia. The number is estimated to be quite large. This budget will be used by the government for the prevention of COVID-19.

The second is the postponement of the implementation of the Long Form SP2020. The activity, which was originally scheduled to take place in August 2021, has been postponed until 2022. This is a major decision taken by the BPS leadership. Of course, taking into account many things.

Apple format like this will be continued in the future. The officers are made on a scheduled basis. The apple officer with this format is started by the General Section. The ceremony was led by Robimanto. Agus Salim was asked to read the text of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, Ofi Sofia as the reader of the Panca Prasetya Korpri script, and Evi Rina Budiarti as the reader of the vision and mission of BPS and the implementation of the BPS PIA. Also supported by Firga Nur Ningtyas as shy, Karya Murjani as an aide, Ulfa as a reader of the agenda, and Sapiudin as an officer for preparing tools and equipment. (Public Relations Team)

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