Four Administrator Officials Sworn in by the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Four Administrator Officials Sworn in by the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province

Four Administrator Officials Sworn in by the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province

March 4, 2022 | Other Activities

Banjarbaru– On Friday, March 4, 2022, four administrator officials within the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province were sworn in and took their oaths before the Head of BPS South Kalimantan Province. 

The appointed officials include Sukma Handayani, M.Si, who previously served as the Head of Statistic of Hulu Sungai Utara Regency and has now been entrusted as the Head of BPS Tanah Laut; Dedy Winarno, S.ST, M.Si, who was formerly the Head of Statistic of Balangan Regency and is now appointed as the Head of Statistic of Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency; Agus Salim, S.ST, MP, who previously served as a junior budget analyst and is now the Head of BPS Hulu Sungai Utara Regency; and Roy Suryanto, S.ST, MP, who formerly held the position of Head of the General Subdivision at Statistic of Banjarmasin Regency and is now appointed as the Head of Statistic of Balangan Regency. The ceremony took place in the auditorium on the third floor of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province and was attended by all heads of BPS offices from various districts and cities in the province. 

In his remarks, Yos Rusdiansyah, SE, MM, the Head of BPS South Kalimantan Province, urged the newly appointed officials to fulfill their responsibilities with dedication. He emphasized that the trust placed in them is not merely a confidence but should be regarded as a duty to foster good governance. He also encouraged the officials to serve as role models for their subordinates and colleagues in their conduct and attitudes. 

During the same event, Statistic of South Kalimantan Province awarded recognition for the fastest absorption achievement of 98% to the working unit of Statistic of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. Additional awards for budget absorption achievements of 98% or more were presented to Statistic of Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, with an achievement of 99.13%; Statistic of Banjarmasin Regency, with 98.97%; Statistic of Banjar Regency, with 98.83%; and Statistic of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, with 98.53%. 

(Public Relations Team)

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