September 5, 2024 | Other Activities
Banjarmasin - BPS South Kalimantan Province Receives Digital Treasury Awards for Strategic Data Exchange Partnership. On Thursday, September 5, 2024, BPS South Kalimantan Province was honored with the Digital Treasury Awards for the First Semester of 2024 as a Strategic Partner in Data Exchange. The award was presented during the Digital Treasury Townhall Meeting for the First Semester of 2024, organized by the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) in South Kalimantan. The event was attended by the Head of BPS South Kalimantan Province, Mr. Martin Wibisono, accompanied by APK APBN Madya, Mrs. Ofi Sofia. The meeting was held to accelerate and evaluate the adoption of a cashless society in government expenditures and to promote the development of Digital Treasury within work units under the DJPb Regional Office in South Kalimantan Province.
This award is expected to further strengthen and sustain the partnership between BPS South Kalimantan Province and the DJPb Regional Office in data exchange cooperation.
The Treasury Awards for the First Semester of 2024 also recognized several other categories, including Best Work Unit for Digipay Implementation, Best Work Unit for Government Credit Card (KKP) Implementation, Best Work Unit for Cash Management System (CMS) Implementation, and Best Vendor/Partner in Digipay Implementation. Through these awards, the stakeholders involved are encouraged to continue promoting a cashless society and achieving Digital Treasury within work units in the DJPb South Kalimantan Regional Office, while also improving accountability in the management of state finances.
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