South Kalimantan economy in the second quarter of 2013 grew by 13.92% (q to q) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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South Kalimantan economy in the second quarter of 2013 grew by 13.92% (q to q)

South Kalimantan economy in the second quarter of 2013 grew by 13.92% (q to q)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 3, 2013
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South Kalimantan economy in the second quarter of 2013 grew by 13.92% (q to q) and when compared to the same quarter of last year grew 5.52% (y-on-y). With the amount of GDP at current prices in the second quarter of 2013 reached Rp 20.85 trillion, while GDP at constant 2000 prices in the same quarter was Rp 9.20 trillion.

The three sectors that experienced the highest growth (q-to-q) is 64.87% agriculture, trade, hotels and restaurants 6.44%, service sector 5.59%. As for growth (y-on-y) is the sector of finance, leasing and business services 11.04%, 8.95% in the construction sector and trade, hotel and restaurant 7.71% .

Cumulatively, through the first half of 2013, the economy grew South Kalimantan (c-to-c) by 5.55% compared to the first half of 2012, with a nominal value of Rp 39.22 trillion at current prices.

Second-Quarter GDP structure in 2013 was dominated by the mining sector, agriculture, and trade, hotel and retoran, respectively contributed 22.27%, 21.01%, and 16.09% of the total GDP South Kalimantan economic performance in the second quarter of 2013 was reinforced by declining consumption may reduce exports due to falling prices for some commodities based on natural resources in international markets.

From the demand side (demmand side), all components use has increased, but exports are growing component of -3.18 percent and -3.53 percent import growth compared to last quarter.
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