October 2013, the Farmers Exchange ( NTP ) South Kalimantan recorded 104.80 , up 0.52 percent over September 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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October 2013, the Farmers Exchange ( NTP ) South Kalimantan recorded 104.80 , up 0.52 percent over September 2013

October 2013, the Farmers Exchange ( NTP ) South Kalimantan recorded 104.80 , up 0.52 percent over September 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2013
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In October 2013, the Farmers Exchange ( NTP ) South Kalimantan recorded 104.80 , up 0.52 percent over 2013, reaching NTP Sptember 104.26 . NTP is due to rising prices received by farmers index ( It ) has increased by 0.43 percent , while the index of prices paid by farmers ( Ib ) which decreased by 0.08 percent .

Judging from the sub-sectors , four subsectors of agriculture has increased the NTP and the NTP subsector decreased . Crop sub-sector grew by 0.64 percent , Horticulture sub-sector grew by 0.80 percent , Livestock sub-sector grew by 1.05 percent , and fisheries sub-sector grew by 0.07 percent . Meanwhile Smallholder Crop sub-sector fell by 0.81 percent .

The fall in consumer price index for rural households showed 0.11 percent deflation in the countryside due to the decline in the index of a subgroup of foodstuff by 0.27 percent , housing subgroup fell by 0.10 percent , and the subgroup of clothing fell by 0.15 percent . Meanwhile , processed food subgroup rose by 0.27 per cent , health subgroup rose by 0.13 percent , transportation and communications subgroup rose by 0.41 percent . Subgroup of education , recreation and sport unchanged from September 2013 .

In October 2013 , the National , Provincial Bantam highest NTP increased by 1.55 percent , instead of Lampung Province highest NTP decreased by 0.16 percent .
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