May 2014, in the city of Banjarmasin inflation of 1.07 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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May 2014, in the city of Banjarmasin inflation of 1.07 percent

May 2014, in the city of Banjarmasin inflation of 1.07 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 2, 2014
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May 2014 , in the city of Banjarmasin inflation of 1.07 percent . Cumulative inflation rate in 2014 ( May 2014 to December 2013 ) amounted to 1.62 percent and the rate of inflation " year on year " is 6.55 percent . Commodities are experiencing increase price with the highest share of inflation in Banjarmasin include air transportation , board , rice , noodles , eggs , ice , chicken, sand , Muslim clothes , facials . While commodity prices declined with the highest share of deflation include gold jewelery , wet shrimp , watermelon , red peppers , cantaloupe , cayenne pepper , fish bloated / puffy , long beans , garlic , tilapia .

In Banjarmasin , from 7 groups of expenditure , 6 group experienced an increase in the price index of foodstuffs , namely by 0.58 percent , processed foods, beverages , cigarettes and tobacco by 0.61 percent , housing, water , electricity , gas and fuel of 1.23 percent , health by 0.84 percent . Education, recreation , and sport by 0.13 per cent , transport, communications and financial services by 3.24 percent . While one other group that is the price index declined by 0.85 percent clothing .

In Tanjung , the Month May 2014 inflation of 0.66 percent . Cumulative inflation rate in 2014 ( May 2014 to December 2013 ) amounted to 3.01 percent and the rate of inflation " year on year " is 6.41 percent . Commodity price increases with the share of the highest inflation in Tanjung during the month of May 2014 include: rice , onion , chicken, tomatoes , mackerel / bloat , cooking oil , fish kites / bump , cigarette filters , rental homes , apples . While commodity prices declined with the highest share of deflation include: cayenne pepper , beans , fish Sepat siam , wine , fish, bicycle , tuna / Ambu - Ambu , watermelon , melon , long eggplant , red pepper .

In May 2014 , Kalimantan Selatan, which is a combination of Banjarmasin and Tanjung experienced inflation of 1.04 percent , the cumulative inflation rate in 2014 inflation of 1.71 percent , and the rate of inflation " year on year " is 6.54 percent .

Of the 82 cities that calculates the consumer price index , inflation was recorded 67 cities and 15 cities experienced deflation . Inflation is the highest in the city Siantar of 1.61 percent , and lowest in Kupang and Tegal respectively by 0.01 percent , the biggest city of Pangkal Pinang deflation of 1.27 percent , while the lowest was 0.03 percent in the city of Palembang .
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