TPK STAR MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2014 53.13 percent, up 0.95 POINTS - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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TPK STAR MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2014 53.13 percent, up 0.95 POINTS

TPK STAR MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2014 53.13 percent, up 0.95 POINTSDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 2, 2015
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Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in South Kalimantan in November 2014 at 53.13 percent, up 0.95 points compared to the ROR in October 2014 which reached 52.18 percent. Compared with November 2013, which reached 61.06 percent, a decline of 7.93 points TPK.


TPK non-star hotel in November 2014 to reach 35.52 percent, up 1.23 points compared to the ROR in October 2014 which reached 34.29 percent, up 0.59 points compared to the ROR in November 2013 which reached 34.93 percent.


The average length of stay (RTLM) foreign and domestic guests (domestic) in the five-star hotel in November 2014 to 1.74 nights, down 0.02 night compared to the state in October 2014 reached 1.76 nights. In contrast compared to the same period the previous year in November 2013, which reached 1.71 nights, an increase over the 0.03 nights.

The average length of stay (RTLM) foreign and domestic guests (domestic) in the non-star hotel in November 2014 to 1.42 nights, down 0.03 night compared to the state in October 2014 reached 1.45 nights. In contrast compared to the same period the previous year (November 2013), which reached 1.35 nights, an increase over the 0.07 nights.
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