Economic Growth of the Kalimantan Selatan of Province Cumulative (C to C) of 5.13 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Economic Growth of the Kalimantan Selatan of Province Cumulative (C to C) of 5.13 percent

Release Date : February 6, 2019
File Size : 0.68 MB


- The economy of South Kalimantan in quarter IV-2018 was measured by the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) reaching Rp 43.84 trillion.
- The economy of South Kalimantan cumulatively during 2018 compared to the previous year grew by 5.13 percent.
- The economy of South Kalimantan in quarter IV-2018 when compared to the same period a year ago (quarter IV-2017 / Y-on-Y) experienced growth of 5.78 percent.
- Meanwhile, when compared to the previous quarter (q-to-q), the economy of South Kalimantan in the fourth quarter of 2017 fell -2.58 percent.
- From the production side, cumulatively in 2018 the category that experienced the highest growth was the company service category (7.67%).
In terms of expenditure, the biggest growth occurred in the consumption expenditure component of non-profit institutions serving households (PK-LNPRT) which was 8.74 percent
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