Kalimantan Selatan Province Consumer Tendency Index 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Kalimantan Selatan Province Consumer Tendency Index 2018

Catalog Number : 9202003.63
Publication Number : 63550.1902
ISSN/ISBN : 2460-3120
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : March 8, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 14.31 MB


In this book a description of the assessment of the people of Kalimantan Selatan is presented on the regional economic conditions, both in the current quarter, and their perceptions of the economy in the following quarter, which was compiled from the Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). STK itself is a survey that is designed quarterly. These STK respondents are households in several urban areas in Kalimantan Selatan Province. Thus, it is expected to be able to contribute valuable information especially to economic actors and data users in general.
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