Analysis of SE2016-Continued Result, Potential for Increasing the Performance of Small Micro Enterprises in Kalimantan Selatan Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Analysis of SE2016-Continued Result, Potential for Increasing the Performance of Small Micro Enterprises in Kalimantan Selatan Province

Catalog Number : 9602002.63
Publication Number : 63550.1904
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-0934-93-8
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : June 5, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 13.29 MB


The publication of the Potential for Improving the Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kalimantan Selatan Province is an analysis of the results of the 2016-Advanced enumeration in Kalimantan Selatan. The results of the UMK and UMB data collection from the SE2016-Advanced data collection can be used as a basis for the analysis and formulation of MSE potential development policies. This publication aims to provide MSEs, capital accessibility conditions and factors that affect micro and small scale business profits. In this publication, the determinants of MSE earnings in Kalimantan Selatan analyzed using determinant analysis. By utilizing the results of the analysis, the information obtained can be optimized for the Government and related stakeholders for efforts to improve MSE performance. It is expected that from theresults of this study, it can contribute to the appropriate policy making targets related to the development and development of MSEs in Kalimantan Selatan.
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