Regional Statistics of Kalimantan Selatan Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Regional Statistics of Kalimantan Selatan Province 2022

Catalog Number : 1101002.63
Publication Number : 63000.2235
ISSN/ISBN : 2088-1002
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 26, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.1 MB


The Covid-19 pandemic is still happening even though it is relatively under control. The wheels of the economy have started to run again. Data collection methods have started to return to the pre-pandemic situation by implementing health protocols equipped with vaccinations. Changes and adjustments in data collection are unavoidable, especially in order to obtain valid and reliable data.In addition to adjusting collection methods, the pandemic is also driving the increasingly intense industrial 4.0 era. The era in which network-based technology is very developed. This includes the exchange of data and information. Everyone is getting easier to exchange various data and information through digital media. BPS as an institution providing development data and information, especially in South Kalimantan, strives to optimally present the need for such data and information. The publication of the 2022 South Kalimantan Province Regional Statistics is one of these efforts, which is disseminated through the website and print media.This publication presents the latest portrait of South Kalimantan's social and economic dynamics through selected indicators. A graphic visualization along with a brief description is included to make the data set more attractive and easy to interpret.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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