Anthology of Statistical Opinion in South Kalimantan: RISE STRONGER WITH STATISTICS - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Anthology of Statistical Opinion in South Kalimantan: RISE STRONGER WITH STATISTICS

Catalog Number : 1205051.63
Publication Number : 63000.2245
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 8, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.59 MB


This book was compiled as part of a series of activities to commemorate National Statistics Day (HSN) on 26 September 2022 by BPS South Kalimantan Province. I should be proud of the writers who have participated in writing activities. We hope that this book will provide insight to readers about statistics in a broad way, not only limited to data collection, but also provide meaning to these statistics. The Covid-19 pandemic situation has indeed begun to diminish. Of course the result of the joint work of all elements. The statistics are no exception, they also contribute a lot. The statistics have guided the direction in which the recovery will go. Statistics provide guidance and evaluation material for various pandemic control programs and policies. The writings in this book describe various experiences on how the role of statistics plays a role. The authors also provide some suggestions for further statistical use.
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