POPULATION OF KALIMANTAN SELATAN PROVINCE The Result of Long Form Population Census 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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POPULATION OF KALIMANTAN SELATAN PROVINCE The Result of Long Form Population Census 2020

Catalog Number : 2102048.63
Publication Number : 63000.2320
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : July 14, 2023
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.2 MB


The 2020 Population Census (PC2020) is one of the statistical activities whose function is to provide basic statistics in the field of the population in full and cover all regions of Indonesia. The PC2020 is a mandate of Law Number 16 of 1997 on Statistics and Government Regulation Number 51 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Statistics, which is also in line with the recommendations of the United Nations (UN) regarding the Population and Housing Census (UN Principles and Recommendation for Population and Housing Census, 2017). BPS-Statistics Indonesia carried out Population Census to obtain data on the number, composition, distribution, and characteristics of the Indonesian population towards One Indonesia Population Data. The series of PC2020 activities are divided into two stages, population data collection using a simple questionnaire (short form) in 2020 and then followed by data collection using a more detailed questionnaire (fong form) through survey activities in 2022, which is referred to as Long Form PC2020. The Long Form PC2020 output is the availability of data related to demographic parameters such as births, deaths, and migration, as well as other important information to produce indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), especially for the population sector. Population of Kalimantan Selatan Province The Result of Long Form Population Census 2020 presents data and information on basic information on population, births, deaths, disabilities, housing, and other population issues. Data and information include tabulation of population characteristics at the provincial level; while fertility and mortality indicators are presented up to the regency/municipality levels.
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