Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) Oktober 2018 sebesar 95,50 atau naik 0,04 persen - Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) Oktober 2018 sebesar 95,50 atau naik 0,04 persen

Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) Oktober  2018 sebesar 95,50 atau naik  0,04 persenUnduh Berita Resmi Statistik
Tanggal Rilis : 1 November 2018
Ukuran File : 0.65 MB


• In October 2018 the South Kalimantan NTP was 95.50, up 0.04 percent compared to the September 2018 NTP which reached 95.46. The increase in NTP was due to the index of prices received by farmers (It) rose by 0.27 percent, and the price index paid by farmers (Ib) only increased by 0.23 percent.
• In October 2018 in rural areas of South Kalimantan experienced inflation of 0.23 percent, where the price index of the entire group increased by around 0.16 - 0.93 percent, except for the foodstuffs group which fell 0.09 percent.

• The exchange rate of Agriculture Domestic Business (NTUP) of South Kalimantan in October 2018 amounted to 102.88 or increased by 0.08 percent compared to NTUP in the previous month which reached 102.80.

• The average grain quality of Dry Grain Harvest (GKP) at the farm level fell 2.80 percent, from Rp 5,055.84 per kg in September 2018 to Rp 4,914.23 per Kg in October 2018. Likewise the price of grain in the milling rate dropped 2.81 percent from Rp 5,163.38 per kg in September 2018 to Rp 5,018.42 per kg in October 2018.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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