October 29, 2012 | Other Activities
Head of BPS South Kalimantan, Iskandar Zulkarnain when opening FGD.
In a statement the organizers by Agnes Widiastuti said that, participants Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Indonesia Democracy Index 2011 as many as 20 people. Consists of service agencies, representatives of mass organizations, NGOs, religious leaders, community leaders, academics, student representatives, members of parliament, representatives of the Party and other representatives who are competent in the activities of Indonesian Democracy Index , 2011.
Sources of data in the calculation of the indicator IDI 2011 in South Kalimantan, there are two, namely Newspaper Banjarmasin Banjarmasin Post and Radar. However, the calculation basis only Banjarmasin Post newspaper. While Radar Banjarmasin only as comparative data. For the IDI in 2011 the number of news found associated with as many as 917 news IDI indicator, rose by 67.03% from the year 2010 which is only 549 news.
According to Iskandar Zulkarnain, when opening the IDI 2011. FGD is a routine agenda BPS annually. Stages of counting IDI 2011 began with the collection of data both quantitatively and qualitatively. Sources of quantitative data collected through the media of newspapers and qualitatively through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews (Indepth Interview). Based on the IDI in 2010, South Kalimantan is ranked 9th out of 33 Provinces. This shows the level of democracy in South Kalimantan is better than 2009, which was rated 21. But the aspect of Civil Liberties in 2010 fell to 67.74% compared to the year 2009 was 68.24%. So that needs to be evaluated and studied again, says Iskandar Zulkarnain.
Fasilitatot FGD, Agnes Widiastuti while guiding the discussion.
Another thing that is more interesting is the discussion. According to one participant from South Kalimantan Provincial Ombudsman, Noorhalis Majid said that IDI weak point in South Kalimantan is the publication of laws that impose sharia nuanced. In 2011 already 25 written rules that restrict freedom or require people to practice their faith. So that will affect the calculation of the next IDI, said Noorhalis.
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