June 19, 2021 | Other Activities
Banjarbaru – C1 Processing Officer Selection Held by Statistic of South Kalimantan Province
On Saturday, June 19, 2021, the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province conducted the selection of processing officers for the 2020 Population Census (SP2020-C1) at the processing room on the third floor of the BPS office. The selection was attended by 126 candidates who had registered through the BPS South Kalimantan partner portal, organized into three sessions.
Najwa Dauli, the Coordinator for IPDS Functions, stated that the SP2020-C1 processing activity is a follow-up to the complete enumeration of C1 documents conducted during the 2020 Population Census in September 2020. She also explained that the SP2020-C1 processing would utilize a data capture mechanism, which involves automated scanning and data capture systems, followed by correction and validation by partner officers. Therefore, the selection aims to identify qualified and reliable officers in terms of accuracy and speed.
The entire selection process proceeded smoothly while adhering to health protocols. Each participant was required to wear a mask, bring their own pen, maintain distance, and have their body temperature checked before entering the selection room. It is hoped that the selected partners will perform their duties effectively in accordance with the established regulations and targets while maintaining good health.
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