March 15, 2022 | BPS Activities
Banjarbaru – On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province held a preparation meeting for the implementation of the Long Form Population Census 2020 (LF SP2020) both in-person and online at the BPS Video Conference Room. The event was attended by heads of BPS from districts and cities, as well as representatives from various sub-divisions, including the General Subdivision, Social Statistics Function, IPDS Function, and Commitment-Making Officials from BPS across South Kalimantan. The meeting focused on discussing preparations for LF SP2020, particularly regarding the recruitment of personnel and training implementation.
In his remarks, Yos Rusdiansyah, Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, emphasized the importance of overseeing LF SP2020 to ensure the smooth execution of the activities. Led by the Head of the General Subdivision, Achmad Mudzakkir, the meeting continued with presentations from the Coordinators of the Social Statistics Function and the IPDS Function. An interactive discussion was held to address issues faced in the districts and cities and to determine strategic steps to successfully implement SP2020.
Additionally, on Thursday, March 17, 2022, an internalization and coordination meeting for the LF SP2020 implementation team was conducted virtually. Attended by the entire LF SP2020 implementation team, the event began with a presentation from the Coordinator of the Social Statistics Function explaining the roles and responsibilities of each team member. This was followed by a presentation from Raplihadi, a Senior Statistician in the Social Statistics Function, regarding the performance matrix for each team member. At the end of the event, the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province took the opportunity to encourage all participants to collaborate effectively in ensuring the success of LF SP2020.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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