BPS Presents Macro Poverty Data at the Socialization Event for RPKD Document Preparation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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BPS Presents Macro Poverty Data at the Socialization Event for RPKD Document Preparation

BPS Presents Macro Poverty Data at the Socialization Event for RPKD Document Preparation

June 21, 2022 | Other Activities

Banjarbaru – The Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of South Kalimantan Province held a socialization event on the preparation of the Regional Poverty Alleviation Plan (RPKD) and the Annual Action Plan (RAT) for Poverty Alleviation in Regencies/Cities across South Kalimantan on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

This event was held to follow up on the mandate of Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 53 of 2020, regarding the duty of regencies/cities to prepare a Regional Poverty Alleviation Plan (RPKD) and an Annual Action Plan (RAT) for poverty alleviation at the regency/city level.

Participants in the socialization event came from various institutions such as Bappeda of South Kalimantan Province, the Regional Office of the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) of South Kalimantan, the Provincial Social Services of South Kalimantan, and several other related agencies. The Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Yos Rusdiansyah, was also invited as a speaker.

During the event, Mr. Yos Rusdiansyah presented macro poverty conditions based on various data produced by BPS. He also explained the factors influencing poverty in South Kalimantan and how BPS gathers the data. In addition to providing macro poverty information, Mr. Yos Rusdiansyah offered a motivational message to all stakeholders, urging officials and the government to work together in reducing poverty rates. He emphasized that if one person from a poor household can help one of their children become a capable and productive university graduate, it could significantly improve their family’s situation and contribute positively to their community, helping them break free from the poverty trap.

It is hoped that the information shared will help local governments develop RPKD and RAT documents that are more uniform and targeted, resulting in more effective poverty alleviation policies.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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