Work Visit by NAS Deputy of BPS RI to Banjarbaru City Statistics Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Work Visit by NAS Deputy of BPS RI to Banjarbaru City Statistics Office

Work Visit by NAS Deputy of BPS RI to Banjarbaru City Statistics Office

July 5, 2022 | Other Activities

Banjarbaru – The Deputy of NAS (National Accounts and Statistical Area Analysis) of Statistic Indonesia-BPS, Moh. Edy Mahmud, along with the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Yos Rusdiansyah, conducted a visit to the Statistic of Banjarbaru City Office on Tuesday (July 5, 2022). They were accompanied by Nurul Sabah, Coordinator of Social Statistics Function at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Fachri Ubaidiyah, Coordinator of Distribution Statistics Function, and Tita Rosy, representing the National Accounts and Statistical Area Analysis Function of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province.

During the visit, they were greeted by the Head of Statistic of Banjarbaru City, Arih Dwi Prasetyo. Deputy NAS, Edy Mahmud, inspected the new Statistic of Banjarbaru City office and expressed his impressions, noting that the new office is more comfortable and better compared to the old one. He hoped that this improved environment would boost the motivation and productivity of the Statistic of Banjarbaru City staff.

Edy Mahmud emphasized the importance of maintaining data quality and focusing on public service, even amidst the busy schedule of the longform population census (SP Longform). He reiterated that BPS, as the "commander" of data, is trusted and relied upon by various sectors for accurate data. Therefore, data is the main product of BPS, and it is everyone's responsibility to ensure and uphold its quality.

Additionally, Edy Mahmud highlighted the current global situation of stagflation, where many countries face economic pressure and high inflation. As governments implement budget-saving measures, BPS must adapt to these changes while maintaining the quality of the data produced.

In closing, Yos Rusdiansyah, Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, added a brief note, stating that Statistic of Banjarbaru City serves as a benchmark for the South Kalimantan region. With Banjarbaru now the capital of South Kalimantan, he hoped the office would set an example, driving greater achievements and becoming a reference point for other BPS offices across the province, despite existing limitations.

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