November 1, 2022 | BPS Activities
Banjarmasin – The Governor of South Kalimantan, Mr. Sahbirin Noor, S.Sos, M.H., commonly known as Paman Birin, took time amidst his busy schedule to be interviewed by the field team from Regsosek 2022 of BPS Banjarmasin. The data collection took place at Mahligai Pancasila, Banjarmasin, and was accompanied by the Head of BPS South Kalimantan, Mr. Yos Rusdiansyah, S.E., M.M., as well as the Head of BPS Banjarmasin, Mr. Ir. Akhmad Rusihannoor, and Senior Social Statistician from Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Mrs. Ir. Nurul Sabah, M.P.
Governor Paman Birin's participation in the data collection marked the symbolic opening of the Regsosek 2022 field activities. Mr. Yos Rusdiansyah expressed his highest appreciation for the governor's availability to be interviewed and hoped that this could set an example for all residents of Banua in welcoming the Regsosek 2022 officers and answering their questions truthfully.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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