Instructor Training Area (Inda) Social Protection Survey (SPS) 2013 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Instructor Training Area (Inda) Social Protection Survey (SPS) 2013

Instructor Training Area (Inda) Social Protection Survey (SPS) 2013

March 21, 2013 | Other Activities

Located at Hotel Banjarmasin International, on Wednesday last February 13 to 15 2013, the Regional Instructor training (Inda) Social Protection Survey 2013 was officially opened by the head of BPS South Kalimantan Iskandar Zulkarnain, accompanied by Head of Social Statistics and Misnawati Kasi Agnes Widiastuti Welfare Statistics as Innas SPS 2013.

The Regional Instructor SPS 2013, photo, after officially opened by the Head of BPS South Kalimantan, Iskandar Zulkarnain.

Instructor Training Area (Inda) SPS 2013, followed by 13 people Kasi Social Statistics BPS Regency / City of South Kalimantan se. According to Agnes Widiastuti, 13 Regional Instructor training SPS 2013, will train field staff in each district / city clerk by 2 people scheduled on 18-21 February 2013.

The purpose of training SPS 2013 implementation, to monitoring and evaluation of various social protection has been given by the government to the people. The survey results can also be used to calculate the Index of Social Protection, because the survey was carried out in an integrated manner quarter 2013 Susenas I.

Further, Agnes Widiastuti deliver, in addition to the material presented SPS 2013 also material Crisis Monitoring Survey Sector Employment, 2013, which is a supplement Sakernas whose purpose is to provide data for monitoring the impact of the Global Employment Crisis in Indonesia, the implementation of which started in the second quarter of the year in May 2013 or later. Photos and narration by "My
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