Head of BPS South Kalimantan Visits Banjarmasin Mayor to Discuss Rotation of BPS City Office Head - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Head of BPS South Kalimantan Visits Banjarmasin Mayor to Discuss Rotation of BPS City Office Head

Head of BPS South Kalimantan Visits Banjarmasin Mayor to Discuss Rotation of BPS City Office Head

February 13, 2017 | Other Activities

After ten years of Rismanto’s leadership at the Statistic of Banjarmasin Regency, the relationship between Banjarmasin City Government and Statistic Indonesia-BPS has remained strong. This was evident during a visit by Diah Utami, Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, to the Banjarmasin City Government offices. She met with Mayor Ibnu Sina, accompanied by Assistant I Gazi Ahmadi, who is also serving as Acting Head of Bappeda, in the mayor’s office on Monday (Feb 13). During her first official visit with the Mayor, Diah Utami introduced A. Riva’i, the newly appointed Head of Statistic of Banjarmasin Regency, replacing Rismanto, who now serves as the Head of Production Statistics at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province. Both officials were officially appointed on Monday, January 30.

Diah Utami expressed her hope that the positive relationship established by Rismanto would continue under the new leadership and that collaboration with the Banjarmasin City Government would strengthen. Mayor Ibnu Sina welcomed this, voicing his appreciation for the cooperation between the City Government and Statistic of Banjarmasin Regency, especially regarding the provision of essential data that guides city policy decisions.

During the visit, Rismanto also took the opportunity to thank and bid farewell to the Banjarmasin City Government as he transitions to his new role at Statistic of South Kalimantan Province. (MY)

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