Visit of Tanah Bumbu Communication and Information Office to Statistic of South Kalimantan Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Visit of Tanah Bumbu Communication and Information Office to Statistic of South Kalimantan Province

Visit of Tanah Bumbu Communication and Information Office to Statistic of South Kalimantan Province

April 7, 2022 | Other Activities

Banjarbaru – The Head of Statistic of Tanah Bumbu Regency, along with a delegation, accompanied the Head of the Statistics and Information Division, Subari, and Susi Marliana Dewi, Head of the Statistics Section of the Tanah Bumbu Communication and Information Office, on Thursday (April 7, 2022). The delegation from the Statistic of Tanah Bumbu Regency and the Tanah Bumbu Communication and Information Office was warmly welcomed by the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Yos Rusdiansyah.  

This meeting aimed to discuss preparations for the Statistical Development Index (IPS) assessment and the "Statistical-Caring Villages" (Desa Cantik) initiative. Najwa Dauli, the Coordinator of the IPDS function, explained the preparations for the IPS and Desa Cantik. In addition to discussing these two topics, she also elaborated on the sectoral guidance that is the responsibility of the communication and information office as the data steward in the region.  

In the following session, representatives from the Statistic of Tanah Bumbu Regency presented their work on developing Macro Economic Indicators for Tanah Bumbu Regency. The discussion concluded with an engaging question-and-answer session between the Statistic of South Kalimantan Province team and the Tanah Bumbu Communication and Information Office team.  

At the end of the meeting, Subari expressed hopes for further discussions between BPS and local government agencies (OPD) in Tanah Bumbu to address strategic issues related to development in the regency. (Public Relations Team)

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