Head of BPS Kalsel Attends Inaugural Speech by Paman Birin as Elected Governor - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Head of BPS Kalsel Attends Inaugural Speech by Paman Birin as Elected Governor

Head of BPS Kalsel Attends Inaugural Speech by Paman Birin as Elected Governor

September 1, 2021 | Other Activities

Banjarmasin – Strategic development data and indicators produced by BPS highlighted the plenary meeting at the Provincial House of Representatives of South Kalimantan. The meeting included the inaugural speech of the Governor of South Kalimantan for the 2021-2024 term, preceded by a joint signing of a memorandum of understanding between regional leaders and the leadership of the Provincial House of Representatives regarding changes to the General Policy of the Regional Budget (APBD) and adjustments to the Temporary Budget Priority Platform (PPAS) for the 2021 fiscal year.

"There have been many advancements in South Kalimantan. The Human Development Index of the province reached 70.91 in 2020, an increase from 69.05 in 2016. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate has continued to decline from 4.92 percent in 2015 to 4.33 percent in 2021," said Paman Birin, the familiar name of Sahbirin Noor, addressing the 44 members of the Provincial House of Representatives and other invited guests on Wednesday (September 1, 2021).

Also present at the plenary meeting was the Head of Statistic of South Kalimantan Province, Yos Rusdiansyah, along with leaders from other vertical agencies. At the end of his speech, Paman Birin called on development stakeholders in Banua and all layers of society to synergize and collaborate in building a progressive and prosperous South Kalimantan.

Best regards, 

Public Relations Team, BPS Province of South Kalimantan 

Website: [kalsel.bps.go.id](http://kalsel.bps.go.id) 

Facebook/Youtube: BPS Province of South Kalimantan 

Twitter/Instagram: @bpsprovkalsel

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