Lambung Mangkurat Universitie's Statistics Agent Mentoring - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan Province

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Lambung Mangkurat Universitie's Statistics Agent Mentoring

Lambung Mangkurat Universitie's Statistics Agent Mentoring

September 14, 2024 | Other Activities

Banjarbaru (14/9) - BPS South Kalimantan Province Organizes Training for Statistics Agents

BPS South Kalimantan Province held a training session for Statistics Agents under its supervision from the Pojok Statistik (Statistics Corner) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM). The event was officially opened by the Head of BPS South Kalimantan Province, Martin Wibisono. During the event, twenty selected Statistics Agents who had undergone a selection process were inaugurated and will serve for the next year.

The event was interactive, featuring presentations from Dewi Anggraini, the Coordinator of the Statistics Study Program at ULM and Coordinator of Pojok Statistik ULM, who spoke on improving the competencies of the statistics agents. This was followed by a presentation from Najwa Dauli, Coordinator of Pojok Statistik at BPS South Kalimantan Province, introducing the statistics corner and the services provided by BPS.

“Use this opportunity to learn more about statistics and its management. You are the ambassadors of statistics on campus, expected to bridge BPS and the academic community in the optimal use of statistical data,” said Mr. Martin Wibisono in his message to all the statistics agents.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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